
Accident Awareness Ad Analysis

Accident Awareness Ad Ad Analysis
Accident Awareness Ad Ad Analysis

The Accident Awareness Ad is a powerful reminder of the dangers of driving distracted.

Accident Awareness Organization is a nonprofit organization that promotes driver safety and is funded exclusively through donations. The organization’s goal is to educate drivers about the dangers of texting and other distractions while driving.

Accident Awareness Ad Strategy

This ad is simple and minimalist, with a light green background featuring a damaged car door centered in the image. The text next to the door reads, “Looking in your bag might open your airbag”. A small amount of debris is scattered around the door. Making it apparent that the vehicle has been involved in an accident. The organization’s logo is featured in the lower right third. Reinforcing the message that this ad is a reminder about the dangers of distracted driving.

The ad’s strategy is to grab the attention of distracted drivers. As well as make them take a second look at their behavior. The ad is sure to have a significant impact on its target audience. By incorporating a door from a vehicle, the ad brings home the fact that distracted driving has real consequences. Using debris and damage around the damaged door emphasizes that this type of incident is not uncommon and could happen to anyone.

The minimalistic approach allows drivers to focus on the message of the ad and allow for contemplation. However, the idea of a bag being your airbag is powerful. It completely upsets the status quo that distracted driving is considered harmless and can be done safely without severe consequences.

By using a light green background, Accident Awareness Organization draws attention to their message as urgent. Therefore, this ad will not cause drivers discomfort; instead, they will be drawn to the message and internalize it.

Target Audience

While the argument can be made that this ad applies to all drivers. In reality, these types of accidents are most common among young drivers. The target audience for this ad is therefore teenage drivers and young adults. These are the individuals who may feel invincible behind the wheel and usually engage in distracted driving due to an abundance of text messages, social media notifications, or other forms of entertainment sitting right in front of them while they drive.

This ad will have a substantial impact on the target audience. The ad is straightforward but still makes an impression on drivers who might not have given distracted driving any thought before viewing the ad.

The only potential downside to this ad is that viewers may interpret the message as “texting isn’t dangerous, only looking away from the road” instead of making a connection with how any distraction is potentially dangerous. In addition, while the ad focuses on looking away from the road. There are other distractions that drivers can do behind the wheel, such as eating or playing with a GPS system.


This ad is a direct reminder that distracted driving can be fatal, which in turn will save lives. The message is powerful and will stay with drivers who view the ad for years to come.

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